Thursday, September 3, 2020

Lisette's Green Sock by Catharina Valckx translated by Antony Shugaar

Lisette finds a green sock. She knows this is a lucky sock. Tomcat and Timcat see her wearing the one sock. They are a pair of mean cat brothers.

"A sock! You're a birdbrain, Lisette. So where's the other one? Don't you know socks come in pairs?"

No problem. Lisette sets off to look for the other sock but sadly she has no luck. Arriving home her mother kindly offers to wash the one sock. As Lisette waits for it to dry her friend Bert arrives. He suggests a new way to use the sock - as a hat! He puts it on and it is a perfect fit. Meanwhile those mean cat brothers have actually found the second sock. They taunt Lisette and Bert by holding the sock and running away. Eventually they toss the sock into the sea. This is utterly shocking but do not worry. Catharina Valckx has created the most perfect ending. Lisette's mother has made a second sock. 

"Lisette's mother has knitted a new sock. It's green. Exactly like the other one. Lisette jumps for joy and gives her a hug."

Are you wondering about the sock that was tossed in to the sea? Well it ends up in the perfect place too. I suggest you grab a copy of this book - I am certain the final page will give you and your young reading companion a huge smile.

A cute and characterful tale of a simple duck and her lucky find, that even a pair of rotten bullycats can't ruin. Read it Daddy

If you speak French here is a reading of the book. Here are a set of teaching notes from Walker Books. Australian Standing Orders included this title in their 2020 international selection. Here are some sample discussion questions:

  • Lisette goes through a range of feelings in the story. Look at each spread and discuss how Lisette might be feeling. Discuss situations when students have felt the same way and why.
  • Find examples in the text of moments Lisette and Bert support each other as friends. What do you think makes a good friend' and why?

When you see a book by Gecko Press can I recommend you pick it up. This New Zealand publisher (distributed in Australia by Walker Books) have such a great eye for book treasures from around the world. Lisette's Green Sock is a French book and it was first published as "La chausette verte de Lisette".  I have previously talked about another book by Catharina Valckx - Zanzibar.

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