Tuesday, November 9, 2021

A Song Full of Sky by Ruth Doyle illustrated by Britta Teckentrup

"Smell the sun on soft petals, taste berries warm and sweet ... 

Feel the tickles of tadpoles as the stream cools your feet."

Image Source: Amazon UK

If I was still working in a school library I think I might try to purchase every book illustrated by Britta Teckentrup. I adore her art and if often accompanies a beautifully crafted text. Here is another sample from this book:

"See the owl surfing sky like a moon-dappled kite ...

Horses racing the clouds with their manes catching light."

About BrittaBritta Teckentrup is an illustrator, fine artist and writer. She was born in Hamburg, Germany, and went on to study at St. Martin's College and the Royal College of Art in London. Britta has created over 40 books, translated in 20 languages worldwide, and her artwork has been shown at exhibitions all over the world. She lives and works in Berlin with her artist husband and their son.

I have previously talked about:

Little Mouse and the Red Wall

How big is the World?

We are Together

Birds and their Feathers


I have also mentioned a previous book by Ruth Doyle - Dreams for our Daughters.

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