Monday, November 23, 2020

The Magic of Letters by Tony Johnston and Wendell Minor


This would be the perfect book to read to a Kindergarten class half way through their first year at school when they have already spent some time untangling the mysteries of the letters and their sounds in English.  Teachers could also base their classroom displays on ideas in this book such as a wall of the children's names, a truck filled with words from street signs, shops, newspapers and advertisements. There are also words in this book to add to a word wall - acrobat, clunk, trout and flibbertigibbet! What about the word quesadilla?

Image source and recipe from Taste

Then there are special words such as enchanted. Perhaps you can even put all the new words together:

"The flibbertigibbet ate an enchanted quesadilla and became an acrobat who slipped on a trout - clunk!"

Click here to see some other books illustrated by Wendell Minor.

I read one reviewer who suggested pairing this book with Z is for Moose.

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