Monday, May 17, 2021

Huda and Me by H Hayek

Mum and Dad have to rush back to Lebanon, to the city of  Beirut leaving their children in the care of a family friend called Aunt Amel. This "aunt" is the babysitter from hell.  On arrival she sets the six children (the seventh child is a tiny baby named Raheed) daily tasks. 

Omar "You will drive me everywhere I need to go."

Kholoud "You have a fine eye for beauty and fashion, I would love to hire you as my personal stylist and beauty expert."

Twins Suha and Layla "You will be my personal tea-and-cookie-makers ... get me whatever I need, whenever I need it, including tea and cookies."

Akeal "You will be the butler of the house."

Huda "You will help Akeal. He'll be the butler of the house and you will be the maid."

The twins have to stay home and cook all day; Omar is worn out with all the driving; Kholoud cannot seem to get anything right but it is Akeal and Huda who have the worst jobs.  Luckily Huda is a very clever girl. The children cannot contact their parents so Huda decides she and Akeal will fly to Lebanon and tell them what is happening. 

I loved the story telling in this book. The chapters alternate between the journey across the world and the events leading up to the children's departure. The hours on the plane felt very real and H. Hayek gives her reader a delicious amount of tension plus a splendid (spoiler alert) happy ending. I also enjoyed the honest, first person storytelling by Akeal. 

Huda and Me has been discussed on a few review sites so I was curious to read this new Australian middle grade novel. I picked it up this morning and finished the whole book in one sitting - yes it is that good! BUT as an adult reader you need to be prepared to suspend disbelief. Adults could 'pick holes' in aspects of the plot especially when the children arrive at the airport in Dubai and also when they catch a taxi across Beirut to the home of their grandparents, but really I suggest you put your critical eye aside and just enjoy the romp.

Hayek’s novel is a cheeky, fun and heartfelt adventure that will have you laughing out loud. It provides a wonderful insight into the lives of a loving Lebanese-Australian family, with all its complex relationships to culture, religion, family and food, as they navigate their adventure both at home and abroad. Readings Melbourne

Funny, quirky and charming Huda and Me is an adventure that is full of cheek, mischief and daring as the two children find their way somehow safely across the world, with a lot of help from friends made on the way simply by Huda, being Huda! Blue Wolf Reviews

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