Tuesday, May 18, 2021

The best pet of all by David LaRochelle illustrated by Hanako Wakiyama


On Monday I asked my mother if I could have a dog - NO!

On Tuesday I asked my mother if I could have dog - NO!

On Wednesday I asked my mother if I could have a dog - NO!

On Thursday I asked my mother if I could have a dragon - YES!

So the little boy goes hunting for the perfect pet dragon. Are dragons meant to be pets? Are dragons able to put toys away? Or cook without making a mess? And then there is the pesky issue of flames. Life in their home becomes unbearable so the little boy pulls out his trump card. Did his mother know dragons do not like dogs. 

"I put a sign in the window - DOG WANTED."

"Thank goodness we have a dog," said my mother. 'A dog is a good pet."

One of the things I enjoy when I visit a very well stocked school library each week is the joy of discovery - of finding a quirky little odd ball book like The best pet of all published in 2004. I found this book because I had another book by David LaRochelle on my 'to read' list - How to Apologise which was published earlier in May this year.

Companion reads to read with The Best pet of all:

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