Monday, August 15, 2022

A Bear's guide to Beekeeping by Pip Cornell illustrated by Alex G Griffiths

This book is filled with facts about bees and honey (mostly on the end papers). The main pages of the book are so funny as the author tries to teach a bear how to become a beekeeper. This is a perfect book for your youngest readers and it's a fun guide book for bears too or one huge bear in this case. We all know bears love honey. This guide book covers all the things a bear (and human) needs to know about bees - finding bees; building a hive; setting up a hive; the role of the queen bee; and how to use all that honey. AND you are sure to adore the twist on the final page too. 

Image Source: Alex G Griffiths

Blurb: Are you a bear considering keeping your very own bees? Can't get enough of delicious honey? Then this is the book for you! With invaluable tips such as how to make a tiny crown for your queen bee, you can become a master beekeeper in no time! Learn how to care for your new buzzy friends in easy-to-follow steps - but don't forget to absolutely never hug the bees. A spoof beekeeping manual for bears from debut author Pip Cornell and rising star Alex G Griffiths.

Readers will enjoy studying the illustrations throughout, a humorous must for any beekeeping family, and of course for every library shelf. Books for Keeps

Here are a set of teachers notes from Andersen Press for A Bear's guide to Beekeeping. It is a measure of the importance of bees in our world that there are SO many books for children about bees. This one A bear's guide to Beekeeping has such an inviting cover and every page has tiny details which will delight your young reading companion. The paperback edition of this book will be published in 2023. I recommend you add this to your book shopping list.  Here is my Pinterest collection.   I have previously talked about these:


The Book of Bees

If you are looking to add bee books to your library take a look at this post from Children's Books Daily - Megan is crazy and bees! And here is another post

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