Monday, August 1, 2022

Book Week 2022 Dreaming with Eyes Open

Book Week is coming - August 20th-26th. 

The poster and merchandise this year is designed by Jasmine Seymour. Her book Baby Business won the 2020 CBCA New Illustrator award. 

You might like to read my previous posts where I share my personal thoughts about book parades and alternate ways to celebrate:

Book Week 2013

Book Week 2015

Book Week 2016 

Book Week 2018

Book Week 2020

Book Week 2021

I went hunting for some books about dreams and found these from previous blog posts:

The other books you want to add to your display would be this splendid series:

I recently completed a post with some companion books to read alongside the shortlisted Picture Books. My friend from Kinderbookswitheverything and I have also added images to a Pinterest collection which might be another way to explore the 2022 slogan with your classes. 

I no longer work in a school library but a friend asked me to create some Book Week challenges as these were greatly enjoyed by her own children when they were in Primary school. Here are a few ideas which you are welcome to use, change, adapt etc. 

My rules are simple but of course you can set your own:

  • the challenge must be completed during the school day 
  • the deadline for entries bell time each day
  • label your work with your name and class
  • up to ten winners will be announced each morning and they will each received a small prize bag and certificates for highly commended and commended entries

Thinking challenges

Design and make

A way has been found to share dreams through glasses. You need to design these special glasses, make them extra big and in their large lenses show your favourite dream or daydream.

Creative writing

Your teacher tells you stories must not end with the words “It was all a dream” but you disagree. Write a short (100 word) story that ends with those words and make it such a brilliant story that your teacher will be persuaded to change his or her mind.


The CBCA posters and materials for the Book Week slogan features original artwork by Jasmine Seymour. She has filled her posters with lots of different Australian birds. Your task is to find an unusual Australian bird and draw a picture on a post card. On the other side of the card, you will write a very short greeting to a friend living in another country explaining our Australian Book Week celebration. You should also mention your favourite book from the short list this year.

Puzzle me a puzzle

Using the words of the 2022 CBCA slogan “Dreaming with eyes open” as a starting point design a puzzle such as a find-a-word; a set of cryptic clues; a crossword; or a dot-to-dot.

Make a poster

A local mattress and bed shop would like to promote their business with a new slogan. Use the words of the 2022 CBCA slogan or words that relate to the slogan to design a poster for the shop.

Debate topic

The 2022 slogan is missing a word or two – it should say Dreaming with my eyes open; Dreaming with your eyes open; Dreaming while reading with my eyes open. Pick one of these and write your opening remarks for the debate. (Limit 100 words)


Do you enjoy day dreaming? Draw your self portrait day dreaming with a book you love.


Draw a map showing the land of your dreams

Design and Make

Design an invitation and planning sheet for a pyjama party to celebrate book week. Think about where the party will be held; who to invite; what the children need to bring and wear; and add in other plans such as games to play and food to share all linked to the theme Dreaming with eyes open.


Use one of these lyrics to compose a song. These quotes are from Gathering Dreams and on this site you can find an acknowledgement for each quote:

“Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.”

“Nothing happens unless first we dream.”

“Follow your dreams, they know the way.”

“Dream it, then make it happen.”

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

“The biggest adventure you can take is to live the life of your dreams.”

Design and Make

It has been discovered that the dreams of children contain important information about saving our planet. Design and make a small portable machine that can be attached to the heads or hearts of young children to capture their dreams.

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