Today I passed twenty thousand hits.
I started this blog in 2008 but I wish I had begun it so much earlier.
Why I love blogging about children's books :
It helps me to clarify my thoughts
It is so exciting when real authors read my comments and comment back
This is a fabulous way to keep a record of all the books I read.
I love to share books and so I now direct my students, staff and other people to my blog.
It is terrific to find all the things that relate to a book such as web sites for authors, pages of questions and videos.
With my Feedjit widget I can see that there are visitors from all around the world and this acts as a great incentive to keep blogging plus it makes me feel connected to the world and makes me proud of my little blog.
I use my blog to make other reading suggestions and this is useful for me too as I make connections between books.
I do think my critical eye has become sharper through blogging and I am certainly aware that I read in quite a different way as I think about how I might comment on a book as I am reading it.
Finally this is one way I can express my passion for all the amazing children's books available in our world today! And indirectly say thank you to their creators who have given me such riches.
I put a picture of Momo at the top of this blog because it is an allegory about time. We all need to make time for reading. I also put this because my blog is called momotimetoread!!
Thanks again for reading my blog
Congratulations on twenty thousand hits, Momo! I always enjoy reading your thoughtful, perceptive reviews (especially your reviews of the Gerander trilogy!). Very best wishes, Frances Watts
Thanks Frances - a real author reading my blog is just about the most exciting thing for a Children's Literature addict like me!!
That's a fantastic achievement Momo. I especially love it when you comment about how your students react to some of the stories.
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