Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Blog Target 4000 - nearly there

Hello, I had a plan to reach 4000 blog posts by the end of 2024. Sadly, I did not quite make it. As I write this it is 30th December 2024, and I have 3600+ posts in total and 1,840,192 hits! It will be exciting to reach 2 million hits and 4000 posts. Perhaps I will have a party. I have also posted 890 times on Instagram and have over 500 followers there so that feels like an achievement. 

I did give five stars to lots of books this year, but I thought for this post I should just focus on Australian children's titles. I'm not lucky enough to be sent review copies except for titles from UQP so I can only talk about books on this blog that I either buy from book shops or borrow from a library. This means I did miss some great titles this year especially in Middle Grade but I do have a big pile of these to read in January that I have borrowed from a local school library. These books are the focus on my previous post. In past years I had the wonderful privilege of reading for one of local bookstores - they were a terrific source of advance copies and new releases. Sadly the store has now closed. Any independent bookshop people in Sydney reading this post I would love to read for you (for free)! (Gleebooks Kids; Three Sparrows; The Constant Reader). 

Favourite Australian Middle Grade Books published in 2024:

Blog post coming - this is a five star book but you need to look beyond the uninspiring cover.

Favourite Australian Picture Books published in 2024:

I have a few more picture book titles on my 'to read' Australian Picture book list: Boots by Elizabeth Pulsford; A leaf called Greaf by Kelly Canby; The Welcome Cookies by Kaye Ballie; and Words that taste like home by Sandhya Parappukkaran.

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