Saturday, March 8, 2025

A House in the Woods by Inga Moore

Two little pigs build their houses in the woods. Sadly, after a day of exploring, they return to find Bear has moved into one house and it is wrecked and Moose has moved into the other house and that one is wrecked too. This all means the two pigs and Bear and Moose have nowhere to live. Then Moose suggests they could work together and build one big and perfect house for all of them. Well yes they could attempt this project but really they need some experts 

"so Moose called the Beavers on the telephone ... "

The Beavers are happy to help but in exchange they want peanut butter sandwiches. This is agreed and so the construction begins. 

"and by tea time the roof was on. (The lunch and tea times were on different days of course. Beavers are fast, but not that fast.)"

The sweet happy ending and those six plates of peanut butter sandwiches make this a perfect book to read aloud to your preschool or Kindergarten group.

Betsy Bird saysNow I have read A House in the Woods by Inga Moore and I can already tell you that twenty or thirty or forty years from now a man or woman will be asked what their favorite picture book was as a child and they will describe the images here. Maybe they won’t remember the exact title. Maybe they’ll blank on the author’s name. But what they won’t forget is the feeling of perfect contentment and peace brought about through Moore’s combination of image and text. This is the picture book equivalent of a warm, soothing bubble bath.

When you open this book make sure you take time to linger over the end papers. And if uou read the review by Betsy Bird you will be alerted to look for some other tiny details. 

A House in the Woods is an old book and of course it is sadly now out of print but you might be lucky and find a copy in a library. A House in the Woods is a NSW Premier's Reading Challenge book K-2 [24439].

Companion books:

Decades ago I saw my first book illustrated by Inga Moore and I fell in love with her art style.

In my former libraries I had copies of Aktil's Big Swim and Aktil's Bicycle Ride. Other books illustrated by Inga Moore are:

Here is a full list of books illustrated and written by Inga Moore:

  • Aktil's Big Swim (Oxford University Press, 1980)
  • Aktil's Rescue (Oxford University Press, 1982)
  • The Vegetable Thieves (Andersen Press Ltd, 1983; Viking Press, 1984, ISBN 9780670743803)
  • A Big Day for Little Jack (1984)
  • The Truffle Hunter (Andersen Press Ltd, 1985)
  • Fifty Red Night-caps (Walker, 1988, ISBN 9780744517835)
  • Rose and the Nightingale (London: Andersen Press, 1988)
  • The Sorcerer’s Apprentice (Prentice Hall, 1989)
  • Six-Dinner Sid (Simon & Schuster, 1990, ISBN 9780750003049)
  • Oh, Little Jack (1992)
  • The Little Apple Tree (1994)
  • Six Dinner Sid: A Highland Adventure (2010)
  • A House in the Woods (Candlewick Press, 2011)
  • Captain Cat (Walker Books, 2012, ISBN 9781406337303)
  • Moose's Book Bus (Candlewick Press, 2021)

You might also look for her editions of Wind in the Willows; The Secret Garden; Anne of Green Gables and The Reluctant Dragon. For a short time Inga Moore lived in Australia but she now lives in the UK. 

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