Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Bravepaw and the Clawstone of Rotwood Mire by LM Wilkinson illustrated by Lavanya Naidu

Bookseller blurb: Titch and Huckleberry are on an epic quest. They have followed their hearts ... right into the path of a terrifying swamp monster, and a village full of brainwashed squirrels! Maybe their hearts aren't to be trusted? Maybe Titch is just an ordinary little mouse and not Bravepaw after all ...? But Bravepaw or not, Titch is not about to give up. Can she defeat the greedy turtle controlling the squirrels, and discover what his glowing green gem has to do with the legend of Bravepaw and her quest to save Alluria?

This is the swamp monster called a Bogbungler
It is wonderful scene when this slimy loathsome creature is defeated 
by Titch, Huckleberry and their new brave friend, a squirrel named Briar.

This book opens with the prophecy that you might remember from book one:

When the sky fills with shadows
And all is turned to grey
Bravepaw will come.
When hope turns to ashes
And all have lost their way
Bravepaw will come.
The Heart will light the dark
Night will turn to day
When Bravepaw comes.

Titch and Huckleberry have set out on their journey. They find themselves lost in a swampy area. Luckily a new friend named Briar arrives to help them but she then shows them something terrible. This area is a terrific place to find mulberries but somehow all the local squirrels have been enslaved by an evil turtle named Muskeg. Muskeg has a gem around his neck and this seems to be where is power comes from. Titch realised this is connect with the dreadful curseworms you might remember from the first book. At this point I need to stop and say you do need to read Bravepaw and the Heartstone of Alluria in order to make sense of this second installment. So once again Titch and her friends have to defeat several enemies and then find a way to continue their journey and fulfil the prophecy. 

Last night I re-entered the world of Bravepaw and the heroes Titch, Huckleberry and little Dollop. This is the second book in the series but so far I cannot find out how many more are planned. We discover in this second instalment that Titch and her team have to find all the 'Gems of Harmony'.  In this book they have found and restored the Clawstone. We also know they now have to go to the library city of Lexhelm where they will find clues about the other missing gems. So the way is open now for book three!

I was so disappointed Bravepaw and the Heartstone of Alluria did not make the 2025 CBCA Younger Readers Notable list but now it is even more important that you don't lose sight of this series. They should be added to your school library - a great quest, terrific writing, memorable characters, inviting covers, Australian, and perfect for junior readers aged 7+. 

Titch, Huckleberry and Briar are some of my favourite characters in contemporary children’s literature, and a series like this shows that children’s books can be timeless, they can be the kind of book that doesn’t attach themselves to a specific time or era. These can be very powerful, because rather than connecting with readers through a time, place, or items they can recognise, they use themes and what makes us who we are to connect us with the story and the characters.  The Book Muse

Better Reading list three reasons to read Bravepaw and the Clawstone of Rotwood Mire:

1. Who says you need to be a giant warrior to be a hero? Titch proves that even the smallest creatures can have the biggest hearts! She might be unsure at first, maybe she’s not Bravepaw after all, but one thing’s for sure: Titch won’t back down. She’s a great example that even when you feel small or ordinary, you’ve still got the power to be a hero. Plus, there are some magical gems along the way that might help too. Extra sparkles for that heroic flair!

2. The best part of any fantasy adventure? Magical prophecies that might come true! Titch needs to discover the truth about her quest, the legendary Bravepaw and the mysterious glowing green gem the turtle is wearing. What’s its connection to the fate of Alluria? How do the Gems of Harmony fit in? 

3. There’s so much mystery and wonder, you’ll want to unravel every single secret hidden in the pages.
Sure, there are monsters and gems, but the real magic in Bravepaw and the Clawstone of Rotwood Mire is the unbreakable friendship between Titch and Huckleberry. They stick together, face dangers head-on and remind us that being brave isn’t just about fighting—it’s about supporting your friends, no matter what. This story shows that the strongest heroes are those who can rely on their loyal friends!

When I read the first Bravepaw book I immediately thought of the Redwall series (and other heroic animal stories) and it seems this was one of the inspirations for Lili Wilkinson. That's great but I do hope she only plans to write three or perhaps four books for her series. There are 22 books in the Redwall series - I think I read about four or five before I lost my stamina.

Here is a quote from the teachers notes for the first book:

‘Bravepaw sprung into existence over breakfast with my fabulous publisher Susannah Chambers. Our kids are besties, and we were discussing their reading and play. My kid Banjo loves reading funny, silly books like the Treehouse series and Real Pigeons, but when he plays, it’s deadly serious, high-stakes adventure. I found myself longing to introduce him to the classic children’s fantasy that I loved as a child – Brian Jacques’ Redwall, Tamora Pierce’s Alanna and Isobelle Carmody’s Obernewtyn. But at the time he was still a bit too young for those. The Bravepaw series is an introduction to high fantasy for junior fiction readers. It’s got all the tropes, all the adventure, but packaged in an easy to read, early chapter book format, complete with Lavanya Naidu’s stunning illustrations.'

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