A young child finds a rubber band (or as we call it here in Australia an elastic band).
"Yay! I have a rubber band. This is MY rubber band! ... And I can do anything I want with it. Isn't that great? This rubber band is just for ME and not for anyone else!"
The little girl imagines all the fun she can have with this special object - it might be a useful fashion accessory; or it could secure all the love letters she receives; or it could catch all the bad people; defend earth from aliens; it can be used as a sling for a broken arm; or for exercise; and it might even be useful as a way travel far away and then play with all the animals of the world. But do rubber bands last forever?
Bookseller blurb: Have you ever wanted something that was just yours? Not someone else's hand-me-down... Not something that you had to share... Not something that you could only borrow for a little while... Something that was yours and yours alone to play with, to dream about, and more... It's My Rubber Band explores how a cherished everyday object can become a catalyst for curiosity, play and a profound sense of connection. With a special object of one's very own, the possibilities are as limitless as the imagination!
A message to savor, delivered with a light touch and contagious glee. Kirkus Star review
I smiled through every page of this book and then laughed at loud with the terrific twist on the final page. The retail price of this book is AUS$30 but I found an online seller here in Australia with a better price. When I first read this book, I thought it might be fun to give each child in the library an elastic band but then I thought about the safety issues if the young children decided to try using the band as a catapult or to flick around the library so I guess this might not be a good idea. Putting these concerns aside, I do think this book would be a good addition to your school library because it is such a joyous celebration of imagination and finding delight in small things.
In the US this book has a slightly different title.
Check out my previous post about Shinsuke Yoshitake.
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