Friday, April 30, 2021

The Lonely Mailman by Susanna Isern illustrated by Daniel Montero Galán

A loving tribute to problem-solvers, quarrel menders, 

and peacemakers. Kirkus Star review

The mailman is lonely because, while he delivers letters every day to the other forest animals he never receives a letter himself and each evening he returns to his empty home.

Oddly I cannot say much more about The Lonely Mailman because I want you to enjoy the wonderful story surprise. I do have one small suggestion. Once you have read this book and discovered the 'truth' you might like to re-read the pairs of letters in reverse order.  If you cannot bear to wait to read this book you can read the whole plot here - Celebrate Picture books.

A couple of weeks ago I talked about A Mystery in the forest also by Susanna Isern and Daniel Montero Galán. The Lonely Mailman is the first book in this series. The Spanish title is Cartas en el bosque. You can see inside the Spanish edition here. The paperback edition of The Lonely Mailman was published in 2017 and I am pleased to see it is still available. I do enjoy books that contain letters and I have made a small Pinterest collection of them - Letters and Letter writing.

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