Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Don't feed the Bear by Kathleen Doherty illustrated by Chip Wass

The setting here is a national park. Campers are having issues with the local bears who eat any food that they leave out on picnic tables - silly tourists! 

Time for action by the ranger. He erects a sign - DON'T FEED THE BEAR. I guess he did not realise that 1. Bears can read and 2. Bears can write.

Bear retaliates with his own sign - DON'T FEED THE RANGER.

And so the war of words begins. Bear purchases some new merchandise - a tshirt that reads "I am not a bear" and a matching hat "not a bear". The Ranger is not fooled so he adds a footnote to his sign DON'T FEED THE BEAR (no matter what he says).

There is power in that word don't - what happens if you cross it out? FEED THE RANGER, FEED THE BEAR (no matter what). Bear consults his dictionary and adds to his sign feed the ranger rotten eggs and slimy spinach. Of course the Ranger just makes more signs - hey you! Go ahead feed the bear wormy apples and moldy muffins.

None of this is working. Is there a different way to approach this problem. The solution will surprise and delight you. Oh and then you will want to make some smores - marshmallows and chocolate between graham crackers. Here is a recipe to use in a kitchen if you don't have a handy camp fire.

Here is the website for Kathleen Doherty. I am happy to see this book from 2018 is still available and the hard cover edition is a really good price. And here is the even cheaper paperback.

Chip Wass is an award-winning artist who designs characters and illustrations for Disney, Cartoon Network, The New York Times, ESPN, and Wendy’s. His previous books include Monster Knows Patterns, and Monster Knows Numbers (Picture Window Books).

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