Thursday, August 15, 2024

365 How to Count a Year by Miranda Paul illustrated by Julien Chung

The front end paper shows all the numbers from one up to 365. The back end papers are filled with confetti! I think this means - we do not need to constrain our lives with numbers but they sure can be fun.

Yes, it does take 365 days for Earth to spin around the sun but it might easier to think of this as 365 "good mornings" and 365 "good nights" oh and "hopefully 365 clean pairs of underwear."

I love the tone of this counting book.

There are 52 weeks in the year but surely it is better to think of this as "52 Friday night movie popcorn spills."  There are 12 months in the year or "12 bulletin board ideas in Mr Winner's classroom." 

Of course, in one year we only have one birthday cake, one birthday wish, one birthday party. Be patient the next one is only 8,760 hours away. 

A bright, buoyant look at measurements, conventional and otherwise. Kirkus

This is a perfect book to add to your preschool collection or library. Hopefully you might also find it in your local school or public library so you can borrow this book to share with your own young reading companion. 

You can see other books by Miranda Paul here. I previously talked about this one:

There are so many brilliant counting books we can share with our youngest children. In your library go to [510] or for this book about the days in the year go to [529]:

I am very keen to see this book illustrated by Julien Chung:

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